Making Money from Home: Two Ways to Make Your Work from Home Pay
Making money from home comes more easily for some people than others. If you're struggling with your efforts to earn money at home there are two small things you can do that will help you increase your earnings over time. Start doing them today and commit to doing them every day for dramatic improvements in your at home income. 1) Set office hours. It may sound a little nutty but it works like a charm. If you establish office hours and stick with them you'll find that you take your work more seriously and others around you take it more seriously as well. Now here's the kicker. You have to use your office hours to actually work (not play games, send emails, or goof off on your favorite social networking site) and you need to call it a day when your office hours are done. This will help your family respect your need to work because they know they'll get your undivided attention when the work day is done and make you take your work hours more seriously. It's a ...