How to KNOW You’ll Get Paid Every Month
When you first get started online, you might be worried. Frankly, you probably should be worried. Yes, you made sales this month. But will you make sales NEXT month? And how will you pay the bills if you don’t make sales? It can be scary going from a job where you know exactly how much you’ll get paid and when you’ll get paid to working your own business online. In your business you might have a banner month and then two months of starving followed by a mediocre month followed by (hopefully) another banner month. Thus, the question becomes, “How do you get stability in your business – and your income -as quickly as possible?” Or… how do you KNOW for a FACT that next month you can make the mortgage and eat, too? Simple – continuity programs. Call it what you want – memberships, recurring payments, monthlies, etc. It all boils down to getting people signed up into a continuity program so you can continue to get paid month after month. ...