What Should Go into Your Autoresponder?
There is so much disinformation on this that I just have to weigh in. No doubt you've been told or read that you should create a fancy autoresponder sequence where each email builds upon the previous email. And that if you make it fancy enough, and complicated enough, you can get prospects to take any action you like, blah blah blah... But guess what? You don't know how people are going to respond to it. You can make a prediction, but your guess might be 180 degrees off. So now you've come up with an elaborate system that accomplishes nothing. More importantly, building a sequential series like sections of a story might have worked 10 years ago, but these days I guarantee that even your best customers will not read and digest every one of your emails. Some of your emails won't even get through, and many will be lost in a sea of OTHER emails from other marketers. No matter who you are or how famous you might be, not every message of yours will get read. Remember that. Th...