How To Convert 35% More Visitors Into Subscribers
You work hard to get traffic to your blog or website, and you provide great content they can use. Yet you're not getting as many of your visitors to join your mailing list as you would like, right? Be sure you're not making any of these common conversion mistakes. 1. Not placing your opt-in form on every page. Don't hide your opt-in form, place it on every single page of your blog or website. 2. Not placing your opt-in form above the fold. The optimal location for your opt-in form is nearly always above the fold, on the right side of the page. In addition, you might also place it at the bottom of each of your articles or blog posts. 3. Not having a strong call to action. Tell them exactly what you want them to do. “Fill in your email address and click submit.” Leave nothing to guess-work or chance. 4. Not giving them a strong incentive. Make your incentive so enticing, many of your readers would consider paying for it if you weren't giving it away in exchange for their ...