Sell THIS And You Will Sell More Products Guaranteed
There's only one thing you need to sell as an online marketer, and it's not your website or your blog posts or your products. It's you. Why do more people buy products from another list owner or blogger than you? Because those people trust that person more than they trust you. This doesn't mean you're not trust worthy – not at all. It just means they don't know you. They don't know your name, or if they know your name they don't know what you stand for or if you're just like them. To get someone to trust you, you have to get them to like you. To get someone to like you, you have to be like them. People like people who agree with them. Just look at politics and you'll see what I mean. But don't get confused – I'm not saying you should take a poll, see what people like and then try to be that person. It won't work because you cannot and will not please everybody. It's impossible, and you shouldn't even try. Instead, you should b...