
Showing posts from March, 2023

Get Subscribers to Open Your Emails the Moment They Arrive

How do you get your readers to RACE to open your emails the moment they arrive in their inbox? Here’s one way to do it. It’s kind of sneaky but if you condition your readers properly, it can work really, really well. First, you already know that paying customers are worth far, far more than freebie seekers. So why not make an offer to your freebie seekers that even they cannot refuse? And in the process, why not get them to open (and read) your emails? Here’s how it works: Every few days or every few emails, you have one of your links go to a wonderful $1 or $5 deal, but only for the first x number of people. This might be a product that normally sells for a great deal more, a resale product, something you no longer sell, etc. So long as it still has real value, you can use it. Your link can be obvious or disguised. For example, you might send an email promoting xyz product, but your link goes to your special offer until it’s sold out, and then it directs back to the xyz offer. And on

How to Become a Consultant in One Hour

Would you like to add a new income stream to an existing business? Or are you looking for a brand new business? Then check this out. First, you need knowledge. If you don’t have it, then obviously you can get it. It’s got to be specialized knowledge. Maybe you’re an expert at a certain software program, or a WordPress expert, or you know everything there is to know about how to drop to 5% body fat. Whatever it is, it’s got to be knowledge that other people want NOW. Next, you need a way to get your consulting in front of the people who need it. Let’s say you’re an affiliate for a software or program that you personally know inside and out. You keep a mailing list of everyone who’s visited your site or bought the product from you. These people sometimes email you with questions about the product. “How do I... ?” “Where is the... ?” “When so and so happens, what do I do?” And so forth. Being the good affiliate you are, you probably answer these questions. And you’re good at it, too. But

4 Magic Words that Can Make You Money

I know I preach about picking something and staying focused on that something until you make it a success, but there are exceptions, and this is a big one. There are certain products you should probably grab whenever you see them. These are “how to” products on marketing techniques that contain three little words that can be a goldmine for you – “Step by step.” The reason I love these is because for a very cheap price – usually less than $40 and sometimes only $10 – you get a complete step by step system on how to do something. You might buy 2 or 3 of these a week. Then when you’ve got time, go through each one. Read the PDF’s and watch the videos. Decide if you think the technique is something you can apply to your business. If it is, try it out. You might set aside one afternoon each week to try a new step by step technique. Then wait and see what happens. Sometimes you see results right away and other times it takes a while, depending on what the technique might be. You’re watching

Want More Conversions (Opens and Sales) from Your Emails? Use This Checklist Now!

Print and keep this checklist handy for the next time you send a promotional email to your list or to a prospect if you want more email opens, product sales and online profits... __ Do you get to the point right away? Do not tell them about the last four hours you spent watching television or mowing the lawn unless it’s pertinent to the story. __ Are you telling a story? Ideally you should tell an interesting story in every email you send to increase your open rates. __ WIIFT... What’s in it for them? Don’t just tell them how great your product is. Tell them what they get for taking the action you’re promoting. __ “So what?” Read the email as if you were the recipient, and see if they would ask, “So what?” You want to fascinate and excite them to click that link. __ Is your writing boring? Uh-oh. Not talking about what’s in it for them, or writing “so what” emails are leading causes of massive email boredom. __ Are you using action verbs? Contrast these two sentences to see the

How You Can Earn My Trust and Sell to Me

Let me ask you a question: Are you on a certain marketer’s email list? You know the one – he sends out an email every day or two telling you to go check out “X” product because it’s new, revolutionary, exciting and the most amazing thing ever? Yeah, that guy. I’m on his list, too. In fact, I’m on the list of a couple of dozen marketers who fit that description. And the fact is, I seldom open their emails anymore, much less buy their recommendations. And I bet you’re the same way. So who do you buy from? The marketers you trust, right? Me too. And here’s who I trust the most: The marketer who actually USES the product they promote to me, and then records a video of them using it, or writes an HONEST review of it. It’s so simple. It’s so easy. And yet 99% of marketers never do these things. You want to promote a product to your list. You get the product – maybe you buy it, maybe the product owner gives it to you. You open the product up and consume it. You read the pdf, you watch the vid

How to Raise Money for Product Creation

Here’s a sneaky little underused tactic for making money before you even create your product: Decide what your product is going to be and write an outline for it. From this, create a list of bullet points that presell the product." alt="How to Raise Money for Product Creation"> Now using these bullet points, offer your upcoming product to your list as a Beta test. Tell your list: The product is being created right now They will get the product the moment it’s finished – expected delivery date is ___ They are getting a killer deal because you want and need their feedback They are your beta testers. If it’s software, they will look for bugs. If it is written material, they will let you know about typos, what they think should be added, etc. Once you get their feedback, you will fix any bugs, add what’s missing, fix typos, etc. and send them the finalized, polished version. You will then offer the p

Why Webinars are Your Best Tool EVER

You know webinars are a great way to sell products. Hop on a webinar, talk for 30 to 60 minutes and sell some products right there on the spot. Then rinse and repeat as many times as you like, buddying up with a different list owner each time. It’s simple, it’s fairly easy, and the more you do the better you’ll get. But for many marketers, it’s scary to get on the Internet and talk to tens, hundreds and maybe even a thousand people at one time. “Me? Talk for an HOUR? To PEOPLE?” Here’s something to consider: You don’t need your own list to run webinars. If you have a great product or service, you can go to list owners and split the money with them. What an outstanding way to get access to other people’s lists and make money doing it! And most list owners love doing webinars because it’s almost hands off cash in the bank for them. All they do is send out one or more emails to their list, and you do the rest of the work. This means that webinars are an excellent way to get your foot in t

Which Method Should You Choose To Make Money Online? Here's What Works...

There are thousands of courses you can buy that will tell you how to make money online. But there is only one method – sell something to someone . That’s it – that’s the ‘secret’ to making money online. And once you know the ‘secret,’ it’s just a matter of deciding what you’re going to sell and who you’re going to sell it to. The easiest way to do that? If you already know the basics of marketing, then probably the easiest method is to turn off your Internet connection and just get busy. Because building your online business while buying every IM program that comes along is a lot like trying to get across town when you’ve got a hundred people telling you different ways to get there. “You gotta have the right shoes or you’re not gonna make it – buy these.” “You better buy our raincoat, it could rain and then you’d be in trouble” “Dude, use my method and you can avoid the ugly side of town.” “Take my shuttle bus and it will get you there faster.” “Go talk to my friend Joe and he’ll fix y

Use THIS to Get the Sale and THAT to Keep the Sale

Long story short – people buy based on the benefits, and then they justify their decision based on the features. That’s why you need both to sell." alt="Use THIS to Get the Sale and THAT to Keep the Sale"> No one buys a lawn mower because it has a big engine – he buys it because he can cut his lawn in half the time and spend twice as much time golfing. He buys it because he can cut even the tallest grass without stalling out and making himself look like an idiot for not cutting his grass sooner. And he buys it because something this big and powerful can only make him look bigger and more powerful to his neighbors and his wife (or so he hopes). But when he’s bragging about his new mower to their next door neighbor, he’s talking about how much horsepower that baby has, how it’s made out of the same metal as the space shuttle, and how a team of 4 inspectors go over the entire mower three times be

Be a Smart Cookie - Complement, Don't Compete

You may have noticed that Internet marketing goes through phases where everyone seems to be jumping on the same bandwagon. That wagon might be the latest, greatest social network. It might be paid newsletters or membership sites or video marketing or... You get the point. There are times when it seems everyone is coming out with a new product that does basically the same thing as the previous dozen products, and they're all competing against each other for customers. This is when you can be a copycat or smart cookie. Let's say the newest, greatest thing is $10 a month paid newsletters. (Yes, I know that was a number of years ago, but this is just an example.) The copy cats observe that courses on how to write and sell little newsletters for small prices to lots of people are selling like hotcakes. And because they're copycats, they create their own courses and jump into the selling fray. The competition gets stiffer and stiffer and soon underhanded techniques are being used

What to Send Big Ticket Prospects in the Mail to Increase Your Sales (Dramatically)

If you’re selling big ticket items, you’re leaving a tremendous amount of money on the table if you’re not sending your prospects something in the mail. Think about it – anyone and everyone can send an email, but how many sellers reach out via the postal mail to give their prospects something tangible they can hold in their hands? Better still, "snail" mail can’t be deleted at the click of a button. And if you make it enticing enough, physical mail gets read and acted upon. So what should you send to your prospects? According to Dave Dee, you should send a packet of info that includes the following: - A checklist. For example, if you’re selling a service then you would send a checklist entitled: 7 things you should look for when hiring a _____. This way YOU set the buying criteria and you tell the prospect what to look for. Now here’s the trick – at least ONE of those 7 things must be something that ONLY YOU do. Maybe you provide a service no one else provides, or you do it i

Sneaky Trick Makes You Look Like a PRO

Carl was brand new to his niche. He had no authority, credibility or following. He knew no one. Yet within weeks he had sales, clients and JV partners. How did he do it? By being just a little bit sneaky, yet still 100% ethical and above board. Carl knew he needed an incentive to get people to join his list. He also knew he needed something to immediately build his credibility online, so people would trust him and buy from him. What he wanted was something like an online calling card that would educate, entertain and subliminally sell both himself and his forthcoming products and services. So he decided to do something that might sound a bit strange – he interviewed himself. That’s right. He wrote down a list of questions from his niche that he knew he could answer really, really well. Then he recorded his answers to the questions. And while recording, he streamlined the questions, deleted one that didn’t work and added two more that he thought of. Then he found someone on Fiverr who h

31 Ways to Market on a Shoestring Budget

With these tips you can get more accomplished and grow your online business faster without spending a fortune. Mind you – some may seem too simple. But years of trial and error have taught me that these methods flat out work at bringing about extraordinary results. 1. Have a Plan – So many new online marketers simply start working on something without knowing where they're going or what they hope to achieve (other than making money.) I think this is why Internet Marketers tend to hop from one thing to the next and have trouble settling down. But if you simply take the time to write out your plan of action (what you're going to do and how you'll do it) in a step-by-step fashion, then you'll have a guide that you can follow. It will save you so much time and money in the long run, and make things that much easier as well. 2. Narrow Your Niche – One of the biggest mistakes is trying to make everyone your customer. By targeting a niche, it makes it easier for you to find

Internet Marketers – Your Audience is in CRISIS

If you market to Internet marketers, you might consider the following: 60-80% of your prospects are currently going through or have just gone through a major life change. Maybe they were downsized, fired or retired. Maybe something at their job changed and now they want out. Maybe they’re going through a divorce or mid-life crisis. Maybe they have money problems or the opposite - They’ve come into money and want to invest it into an online business. People who are suddenly looking for ways to make money online have experienced a major shift in their life. They’re probably unhappy with the way things are. They’re looking for guidance on how to make a change. Many of them want money FAST - as in yesterday. They want solutions now. They want to push a button and have it done for them. And if that’s not possible, they want to be told EXACTLY what to do to make it happen. You can use this information to better communicate with your prospects, to let them know you know what they’re going thr

25 Unusual Split Tests that Increase Sales

Even the smallest changes can sometimes result in the biggest increases to your conversion rate. Take the headline split test, for example. Headlines A, B and C are tested against each other. Headline A converts at 1%, Headline C converts at 2.5%, and Headline B converts at 4.9%. Hmmm, which one should you pick? The choice is obvious, you go with Headline B. But what if you hadn't split tested? You would never have known. Just imagine: You write a terrific headline, which happens to be Headline A. It looks like a sure winner, so you don't bother to test. And sure enough, it converts at a respectable 1%. BUT, if you had tested, you would have chosen Headline B. And for every 100 people who hit your site, you would have made 3.9 more sales. If your product sells for $47, that's another $183.30 you would have earned for every 100 visitors. But you didn't test, and so you didn't know, and so you lost thousands of dollars. Ouch. Testing might seem like an irritation, but

This is The REAL Reason Why You Should Leave Blog Comments

You've probably heard that commenting on other people's blogs is a good thing to do. But do you know why it's so important? Yes, it can get you traffic. People see your blog comment, like it, and click on your name to go to your website. But that's not the biggest reason to comment on blogs. Leaving blog comments might also give you backlinks, which could potentially increase your standing in the natural search results. But again, this isn't the biggest reason to leave comments on other people's blog posts. Leaving blog comments also gets you seen by others in your niche. Leave enough great comments and people might start to remember you and your brand. But again, that's not the biggest benefit to leaving well-thought-out, interesting blog comments. The biggest benefit? Whether you realize it or not, consistent blog commenting builds relationships with other bloggers. Think about it – you go to Joe's blog once a week and leave a well-thought out comment

5 BIG Emotional Motivators that Will Get You Sales

Here’s an experiment for you to try. If you don’t already, get a year’s worth of issues of any one magazine. If possible, make it a business magazine such as Entrepreneur. Now go through each issue of the magazine and see which full page and half page ads repeat month after month, and which ads are only there for one month before they disappear. Notice the difference between the two types of ads. The ones that appear once and never appear again tend to be feature based and devoid of emotion. The ones that appear month after month are benefit and emotion based. Why is that? Because ads that run month after month are working. Those that run once and never run again aren’t working. And ads that only highlight features without benefits or emotions do not work. Now then, there are hundreds of different emotions and you can’t hit every one of them in your ad. So which are the very best to target? According to author Robert Imbriale, you can’t go wrong when you include as many of these 5 moti

People will Do Nearly Anything to Buy This

Quickly now – why do people buy from you? “Find a need and fill it, and you’ll be rich,” right? Probably not. People rush to buy what they want, they often delay to buy what they need. Think about it... Look at food – does anyone need spicy nacho corn chips? No. They need fruit, vegetables, grains and meats. They don’t need corn chips or snack cakes or cookies or candy. But what do they buy? Junk food. LOTS of junk food. No one needs fast food, either. 5 minutes of planning in the morning and you can pack a nutritious lunch that’s actually GOOD for you. But what do millions of people do? They stand in line or sit in a drive-thru to buy a meal that is likely to make them feel bad, both after they eat it and again when they step on the scale, all because they WANTED the fast food. They didn’t need it. They would be better off without it. But that doesn’t stop them from going out of their way to get it because they WANT it. Now then – are you selling to people’s wants, or their needs? The

How to Quickly Get Prospects to Trust You

You’re about to Skype into a potential JV partner, or talk to a big affiliate on the phone, or meet your fellow marketers at a conference. Making this connection is important – it can mean the difference between years of working together to build your businesses, or not. So, what can you say or do to make them trust you? Should you try to impress them and wow them with your expertise? Should you be funny and outgoing? Or act like you’re extraordinarily successful? Really, the answer is none of the above. That’s because the first step in getting people to trust you is to show them how interested you are in them. Let’s say you’re about to speak to a business prospect. Decide in advance how you’re going to feel about this person. Before you even meet, choose to find them interesting, intriguing, loveable and kind. When you do, you’ll be making them feel as important as they are. Ask to hear their story. “So tell me how you got to where you are.” Let it come across in your words. “That’s f