
Showing posts from May, 2023

Is THIS the Secret to Success?

There’s a Shakespeare quote you’ve heard: “To thine own self be true.” And here’s another one (not quite with the Shakespeare flair, but still quite eloquent): “You can’t fit a round peg into a square hole.” People online will tell you what to do. How to do it. When to do it. They’ll tell you to get up two hours early and work on your business before work. Or set a timer for 30 minutes and work without distraction. Or enter a niche just because there is money there. They’ll tell you all sorts of things. And they’ll even get righteously indignant when you don’t do what they tell you to do. So now I’m going to tell you what to do. Seriously. Know yourself first . Yes, you can get round pegs into square holes, but it does a tremendous amount of damage to the round peg. If you like to sleep in until 10:00 am, then maybe that’s what you should do. You probably do your best work in the afternoon and evening an...

How to Add $50K or More to Your Launch

If you haven’t yet had a big launch of your own, then it can be hard to relate to how things work, what needs to be done, and especially the results you can get. It all seems a bit foreign and out of reach. But the fact is, anyone has the potential to create a product that people love and launch it with tremendous success. Imagine spending the next 2 months working on your new product and the launch itself. Then the big day is almost here. You’re lying in bed the night before, wondering if you did everything you can do to make this a big success. You’re worried it will flop. You’re thinking, “What if I just wasted the last two months of my life?” But the fact is, no matter what happens, it’s impossible to waste that experience as long as you learn from it. Do you know what else you’re feeling? Excitement. It’s like the night before Christmas when you were a kid, times 10. Or maybe times 100. You can hardly sleep. What will tomorrow b...

60 Power Words to Make Your Profits Soar

You might want to print out this page and keep it close to your computer – it’s a little goldmine of power words that capture attention and get your messages read & acted on: - Free - Sale - New - Tested - Guaranteed - Immediately - Powerful - Popular - Special - Affordable - The truth about - Absolutely lowest - Daring - Pioneering - Unsurpassed - Obsession - Lifetime - Strong - Sizable - Confidential - Alert - Energy - Rare - Famous - Unparalleled - Superior - Bottom line - Special offer - Wealth - Last minute - Timely - Unconditional - Profitable - Emerging - Breakthrough - It’s here - Just arrived - Growth - High tech - Innovative - Exclusive - Valuable - Discount - Endorsed - Under priced - Launching - Reduced - Enormous - Now - Fortune - Authentic - Announcing - Introducing - Portfolio - Urgent - Proven - Weird - Surprise - Excellent - You Start using these words in your marketing and sales copy toda...

Make More Sales with Engagement Emails

It’s tempting to send offer after offer to your list in the hopes of making the most money. Yet this is also a sure fire way to alienate your readers and send them packing. If all you ever do is pitch them in every email, they’re either going to stop opening your emails, or simply unsubscribe. In either case, you are no longer relevant to your list. So when it comes time to promote your own products, no one will be listening. There is a better way, and it’s to provide content along with the promotions. The problem is in knowing what kind of content to give them. What do they want to know? How long is it going to take you to research it and write it? And will it even be read? The key is to think ‘engagement’ over selling. If you can continually engage your audience, then you can continually sell to them as well, at a reasonable pace. Think of it this way: Every engagement email is like building your goodwill account. Every promotional email is like cashing i...

How to Validate Your Product Idea Before You Create the Product

Want to KNOW your product will be a hit BEFORE you make it? This is simple and easy to do. And it can save you a ton of time and frustration. Validating your next product idea is crucial if you want to be sure you’re going to have a winning product on your hands. Here’s how to do it... Create a pre-launch page. On the pre-launch page, give a short summary of your up and coming product. This is like a mini sales page with a headline, bullet points, benefits and a call to action. In this case, the call to action is a waiting list to buy the product when it comes out. Once they join this list, send them to a second page that again talks about the product, but also offers them the chance to buy it right now at a lower price. Structure it with your offer at the top. “Buy your copy now and get $20 off, plus this extra bonus.” Then reiterate the benefits of the product, and make the offer again at the bottom. Some people will likely click the buy button at the top witho...

The Exact Emails Needed to Successfully Launch Your Next Top Selling Info Product

This is an email launch sequence that anyone can do and enjoy success with, whether you’re launching your next $10 product or $1,000 product. I'm going to assume you have a list, whether it’s one you’ve warmed up for a while, or a new list compiled from affiliate promotions for your new launch. Either way, the email sequence will be the same. And we'll assume you’re selling some type of information product that teaches something. For our example, let’s say you’re selling a product on how to make great videos for marketing purposes. Here is the sequence: Email #1: The first lesson on making great videos that sell products. You’re going to be delivering 3 lessons in all on making great videos. But you’re only going to teach about 5 - 10% of what you know. This way they’ll have to buy the paid course to discover the other 90%. Email #2: A survey question. In this case, ask them what their biggest challenge is in creating great videos ...

21 Brilliant Ideas for Your Next Blog Post

Stuck for ideas on what to write in your next blog post, article or email? I’ve made a list of what readers want most to see from you. In fact, this is exactly the content that people crave, so get ready to make your next content a smash hit with your audience. Your readers want content that: - Reminds them that they matter - Reminds them that they are one of a kind - Tells a story - Takes them on a journey - Surprises them - Shows them that dreams can come true - Has unexpected twists and unforeseeable turns - Reveals awesome secrets - Shows little Davids beating big Goliaths - Confirms their thoughts and beliefs - Challenges their assumptions in a respectful manner - Gives a fresh point of view - Takes a stand - Reminds them that life is short – really short - Gives them faith to believe in something BIG - Reminds them to get back to the “basics” - Makes them smile and laugh - Makes them cry - Educates while entertaining - Inspires them to ta...

How to Build an Email List from Nothing and Get 1,000 Subscribers in Just 7 Days

Can you pick a topic, build a list of 1,000 and even promote your first product in just 7 days? Yes! Here’s how... First of course is to choose your topic or niche. If you want a head start, pick something that will interest your friends – preferably both your friends in real life and your social media friends. Let’s say you’re interested in marketing, and you’ve got some business friends in your hometown as well as more business friends online. This is a good topic choice to hit the ground running. Next, reach out to those friends you already have a relationship with. Let them know about your new endeavor. In our example case, you might write the following: Hey George, Quick question for you: I’m starting a new project where I give out the latest marketing tips for small businesses like yours on how to cheaply get more customers. Traditional advertising just isn’t cutting it anymore, and we need alternatives that don’t cost a lot and flat...