Quit Your Day Job: How to Find Jobs Working From Home
Looking for a job working from home? You’re not alone. At-home employment is one of the fastest growing segments of the job market, as many employees are looking at ways to eliminate monthly transportation and childcare costs. Finding jobs working from home is difficult, but not impossible. With determination and perseverance; even when faced with rejection, finding the perfect job working from home is possible.
The first step to finding jobs working from home is to know your industry. Decide which field you best wish to concentrate in and go from there. Conduct a job search online using targeted search terms. For example, if looking for customer service jobs working from home, in a search box the user would type “customer service” “remote” “high speed”. The “high speed” part is very important and can be substituted with “broadband Internet”. This would ensure all remote, customer service jobs would appear in the search results box. Since the position is working at home, mentioning Internet is important, as brick-and-mortar customer service positions would not require this as part of a job description. By customizing search terms specifically to your industry and location (remote, virtual), a jobs searcher will have better results finding quality work at home job leads.
Next, comes networking. Using the idea of performing an Internet search again, a person looking for jobs working from home will want to network as much as possible. Searching with the industry desired, and the words “telecommute/telecommuting” and “forum/forums” should help direct you to industry-specific job forums discussing jobs working from home. Sign-up as a member of the forum and be sure to read all posts. Forum members tend to look down on new people asking for a job, as many had to perform their own research finding their own jobs from home. By reading all posts and actively participating in discussions, you will learn about job-specific sites to help aid your search, as well as occasional leads. Be patient, as it takes time when using forums for job leads. By incorporating this method and the one above, your search will yield many opportunities for jobs working from home.
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